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contoh kalimat take off

"take off" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • If you play, we'll take off your arms!
    Jika kau bermain, kami akan melepas lengan kau!
  • Let's see if you can take off yours.
    Mari kita lihat jika kau dapat melepas punyamu.
  • Berlin, 1939, a flower cart took off by itself.
    Berlin, 1939, gerobak bunga lepas landas sendiri.
  • And since I am dead I can take off my head
    Dankarenaakumati Aku bisa melepaskan kepalaku
  • She stole $50 from my purse and took off.
    Dia mencuri $50 dari dompetku dan pergi.
  • ! No-one else is taking off their pants.
    Tidak ada orang lain yang melepas celana mereka.
  • Take off your clothes. We'll fix it right away.
    Jadi buka bajumu dan aku akan kembali.
  • We should grab a taxi before they take off.
    Kita harus dapat taxi sebelum mereka pergi.
  • I'm fine! They should take off this plaster.
    Aku baik-baik saja Mereka harus melepas plester ini.
  • All we know is, the president has been taken off
    Yg kita tau, Presiden sudah diungsikan--
  • I take off my wedding ring to call Pam.
    Aku melepas cincin kawin untuk menelepon Pam.
  • And I've to take off my shoes for you.
    Dan aku sudah siap membuka sepatuku untukmu.
  • It'll be a couple of minutes before we can take off.
    Agak lama untuk lepas landas.
  • We're supposed to take off in 20 minutes.
    Kita sudah harus take off 20 menit lagi.
  • My first try with these things, took off flying.
    Percobaan pertamaku dengan barang ini, semuanya terbang.
  • Well then, "The Woodwind" takes off without him.
    Yah, kalau begitu, kita akan berlayar tanpa dia.
  • Make sure nothing gets taken off the plane.
    Pastikan tidak ada barang yang dikeluarkan dari pesawat.
  • You take off as soon as I'm out the door.
    Pergilah begitu aku keluar dari pintu.
  • Sorry sir, there's no service before take off.
    Maaf Pak, tidak ada layanan sebelum take off.
  • At least until I can take off these glasses.
    Setidaknya sampai aku bisa melepas kacamata ini.
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